How To Spend More Time With Family


It is easy to forget that family time is precious in these busy times. If you have the right priorities, you can make the time you need. These are five tips to make more time. You can start with one day. Without stress, find out which day works best for you. If this works, you can increase the number. You will soon find it easy to eat together and will love the experience.

Transform your duties into shared experiences

The weekends are a great time to eat together, even though the family eats often separately during the week. You don't have to do all the cooking. It is much more enjoyable to eat and cook together. Even the youngest members of your family can peel and cut vegetables. You can also make a course for everyone, depending on your preference.

Stop wasting your digital time

People spend a lot time on social media and media consumption. In Germany, Facebook receives 680 million pageviews per month. How many times do you visit social networks? How often do your e-mails get checked each day? Each message we read is a distraction from what we are doing. It will take longer to focus on what we are doing, the more we stray from it. Self-management is about making sure you are able to take a break from work and have time for your most important tasks. The Forsa Institute estimates that one fifth of all age groups want to spend less time online in the coming year. It is even 38% for those aged 14-29.

Say Goodbye to Perfectionism

You will never have enough time to accomplish everything you want. Are you really required to prepare tomorrow's meeting in the evening? Do you prefer to let your wife have the meeting and then go to work the next morning earlier? You need to think carefully about where optimization is worthwhile and where 75 percent is sufficient to get a good result. Perfectionists can make life more difficult for themselves. They are less likely to be able to relax after work and take their work home.

Pay attention to your internal clock

Your biorhythm is a key factor in your performance. It is important to be aware of your biorhythm in order to achieve a healthy energy balance. For a few days, record when you feel the most energetic. Also, note when you feel your most fit. Because it opens your mind to new ideas, spending time with your family in the afternoon can be very energizing. You can take a longer lunch break during the week if you have the time. Then, go back to work in the evening with more creativity and more productivity.


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